6 Reasons to Join (or Rejoin) Twitter

1. Narcissism. You are smart, beautiful, and darn it, people like you.

2. Stalking. Twitter makes it much easier to stalk people.

3. ADHD. You know you have it.

4. Facebook is for old people and you aren’t old.

5. Fewer cats than Facebook

6. Hashtags. They aren’t just a character on Jimmy Fallon’s “The Tonight Show.”

Twitter, like beer for most people, is an acquired taste. Unlike beer, I still don’t consume Twitter nearly every day. Yet, I find myself using it more and more to engage and discover. There are still things to dislike about Twitter, but it is getting easier to gain value from.

Like any social network, Twitter is more valuable the more you use it. More importantly, it becomes even more valuable to you the more you give to the community by actively contributing valuable engagement and content.

By many measures, I’m not nearly active enough on Twitter. But it works for me. And there is the lesson for any tool. Use any tool so it works for you, but keep exploring and expanding your understanding in case there is more that it can do for you.

Let me leave you with six other ways I use Twitter:

1. Discover useful new content in short simple posts.

2. SEO – Search Engine Optimization.

3. Find new customers.

4. Engage with existing customers and friends.

5. Meet new and interesting people.

6. Share interesting insights in short simple posts.

See you on Twitter: @GeigerCIO or @DaleDenham.

Geiger CIO Dale Denham, MAS+ provides practical insights on how you can benefit from technology in no nonsense terms. Follow him on Twitter @GeigerCIO.

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